The Wyoming Early Childhood State Advisory Council (EC-SAC) is charged with developing a high-quality, comprehensive system of early childhood services and supports that understand and improve the well-being, health and success of young children and their families. Paramount to this work is the platform to ensure statewide coordination and collaboration among the wide range of early childhood programs and services in the State, including child care, Head Start, IDEA preschool, pre-kindergarten programs and services, and the Wyoming Preschool Development Grant.
Governor Gordon signed Executive Order 2019-4 to identify the membership, duties, procedures and staffing for the EC-SAC. 20 appointed individuals represent important and diverse stakeholder groups at the Council, and are tasked with carrying out the duties prescribed by the Governor. These duties include (please reference the Executive Order for additional details):
- To conduct a periodic statewide needs assessment that broadly considers the community context and data indicators that reflect the well-being, health and success of young children and their families,
- To identify opportunities for, and barriers to, practice and policy coordination and collaboration among Federally-funded child development, child care and early childhood education programs and services, including collaboration and coordination among State agencies and partners responsible for administering such programs,
- To develop recommendations that will provide guidance, feedback and/or direction to the Governor, State agencies, statewide and local early childhood initiatives, and/or direct services providers who work with young children and families,
- To work with State agencies to engage the expertise of early childhood providers and stakeholders in the State to assist in the implementation of State and Federal grants, including the development of early childhood policies necessary for the Federal Child Care Development Block Grant Fund,
- To report once per year to the Governor on the needs of and impact for Wyoming’s youngest children, including recommendations and collaborative actions that will further that impact immediately and into the future.
EC-SAC meetings are open to the public. To request time on an agenda, please email Becca Steinhoff:
The last ECSAC meeting was on September 4, 2024, from 1 -3 pm.
For a copy of the agenda or other questions, please contact D’Anna Feurt at
Please click here to download the most recent Wyoming Early Childhood State Advisory Council roster.