Youth are eligible for an ETV if they meet the following criteria:
- Have a high school diploma or completed HiSET and attend an accredited school that:
- Awards a Bachelor’s degree or not less than a two (2) year program that provides credit towards a degree;
- Provides no less than one (1) year of training towards gainful employment; and/or
- Is a vocational program which provides training for gainful employment and the employer has been in existence for at least two (2) years.
- In addition, youth must meet one of the following criteria:
- Youth was in foster care* for 12 months after his/her 14 year birthday;
- Youth was adopted or placed in guardianship from foster care on or after his/her 16 year birthday; or
- Youth has left care after his/her 18 year birthday.
If eligible, youth may receive up to $5,000 a year (for up to a total of 5 years) for their cost of attendance at college until they are 26 years old. The IL coordinator in your area can assist youth complete the scholarship application. Click here for the ETV application.
If the youth received an ETV to fund his/her previous school semester, please complete the ETV Renewal Request. Click here for the ETV renewal request form.
For help with one of these programs or to find out if you are eligible for the Independent Living Program, contact the Independent Living Coordinator in your area!
Program Analyst
Brian DeTavernier