The burial assistance program administered by the Department of Family Services assists families with payments of up to $500 to funeral homes for burial expenses of deceased individuals who did not have sufficient assets to provide for burial or cremation and were receiving cash assistance through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) POWER Program, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or certain types of Medicaid at the time of their death.
During the 2016 budget reductions, the Department reduced the amount of maximum payment for burial services from $1,000 to $500 per eligible request (current statute allows up to $1,000).
Eligibility Factors
The decedent must meet the following criteria in order for assistance to be provided:
- A Wyoming resident;
- Receiving Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Personal Opportunities with Employment Responsibilities (POWER) at time of death; and
- Does not have sufficient assets to provide for burial or cremation. Individuals with pre-funded burial or cremation plans are considered to have sufficient assets/funds to provide for burial or cremation.
Allowable Expenditures:
Per Program Rules, the following are allowable expenditures:
- Burial:
- removal of the deceased from place of death to a mortuary;
- minimum services of staff;
- professional embalming when required;
- other preparation of the body (dressing and casketing);
- graveside committal service if requested;
- minimum casket offered on casket price list; and/or
- hearse to cemetery.
- Cremation:
- removal of the deceased from place of death to a mortuary;
- minimum services of staff;
- professional embalming when required;
- minimum cremation container;
- transportation to crematory;
- cost of cremation;
- return of ashes to next of kin; and/or
- graveside service for interment of ashes if requested.
Request for Assistance
If a family member is interested in applying for burial assistance to cover expenses for the loss of their loved one, she/he can go to or call their local Department office and request assistance. The decedent’s assets and income at the last Medicaid or POWER certification is used to determine eligibility. Each office has a designated Benefit Specialist to process the request for burial assistance.
Once a request is received by the Department, the designated Benefit Specialist uses the decedent’s social security number and checks both the Department’s POWER Eligibility System as well as the Department of Health’s Medicaid Eligibility System (which verifies Medicaid and/or SSI eligibility) to verify the participant’s eligibility for the Burial Program.
Funding will vary per year based on fees collected. The Department will notify applicants if funding is not sufficient to cover their request, and the request will be held until a new appropriation is received.
For more information, contact your local DFS office or
Morgan McCullough
County Funded Burial Assistance
Each county may have its burial assistance program run independently of the DFS program. For more information about those programs, don’t hesitate to contact your funeral home of choice, the county coroner’s office where the deceased resided or the Wyoming County Commissioners Association website.