AB | ABAWD Months Exhausted |
AP | Failed to Complete Application Process |
AS | Receiving assistance in another state |
AW | Application Withdrawn |
CI | Not a U.S. Citizen |
CR | Client Request (not 60 month closure) |
CS | Child Support – Excess Income |
DE | Death |
EI | Excess Earned income – Over Income |
ER | Excess Assets |
EU | Excess Other Unearned Income |
FF | Fugitive Felon |
FR | Failed to Complete Review |
GL | Substantial Lottery or Gambling Winnings |
IS | In a Public Institution |
LC | Loss of Contact |
NC | No Eligible Person in Home |
OV | Case Opened to Establish Overpayment |
PA | Participating in Another Household |
PI | Failed to Provide Information/Verification |
PP | Desires Not to Participate in POWER |
PS | Participating in a Strike |
RJ | Moved Out of State for Job |
RS | Moved Out of State |
RT | Transfer of Assets |
SE | Ineligible Student (FS) |
SH | Not a Separate FS Household |
SR | Not Living With Specified Relative |
TA | Going from POWER to Arapaho TANF |
TS | Going from POWER to Shoshone TANF |
VP | Voluntary Quit |
XC | Child Support Noncompliance |
XO | Eligibility Factor Non-comply (POWER) |
XW | Work Related Noncompliance (POWER) |
10 | 10 Months After Initial Qualification (POWER) |
60 | 60 Months Cash Benefits Used |