Abandonment - the child(ren) has been left with no obvious behavioral, verbal or written intentions of reclaiming the child(ren).
Able-bodied - not incapacitated for work, training or community service.
Able Bodied Adult Without Dependent (ABAWD) – an able-bodied adult:
A. Between the ages of 18 and 54; and
B. No child(ren) in the assistance unit.
Absence –
A. Continued absence – when the parent is physically away from the home and is not exercising parental care and control, cannot be counted on to help plan the care and control of the child and the return to the home is not
expected for at least 30 days (see Care and Control).
B. Temporary absence – the condition of a dependent child being away from the home when the child is expected to return to the home within 90 days and the caretaker relative continues to exercise the responsibility for the care and control of the child(ren).
Academic or school year - the annual period of sessions of an educational institution usually beginning in the fall.
Access –
A. Ability, or potential ability, to obtain or make use of an asset or income;
B. Access is either restricted (requires the signature of another person or specifies the condition of disposal) or unrestricted (no other signature is required or condition imposed) (see Available).
Adequate notice - see Notice of adverse action.
Administrative Hearing – a formal hearing conducted within established legal proceedings with a duly appointed hearing officer.
Administrative Rules of Wyoming (ARW) -
Adult - a person age 18 or older or a person under age 18 who meets the Wyoming emancipation laws.
Adult Relative - for the minor parent requirements, a person age 18 or over who has graduated from high school who meets the definition of a "relative".
Adverse action - a decision to deny, decrease or terminate the benefits.
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) – a program in existence prior to 1/2/97 designed to provide financial assistance to children in need due to absence, unemployment of both parents or incapacity of one or both parents.
Affordable child care arrangements – an available child care provider in the community whose charges for services do not exceed the local market rate established at the 75th percentile.
Aged - a person 60 years of age or older.
Agency error (AG) - an incorrect action or failure to take action by a Department of Family Services worker.
Alien - a person residing in, and who is not a citizen of, the U.S. (see Immigrant)
Alimony - see Support.
Applicant - a person, including an authorized representative, who in writing makes an application for benefits.
Application - the form on which a person indicates, in writing, the desire to receive assistance, provides information necessary for determining eligibility and informs the client of her/his rights and responsibilities.
Appropriate child care - child care meeting Wyoming licensing standards or if legally exempt from child care licensing requirements meeting minimum health and safety requirements as outlined by the CCDF. All providers must also receive a favorable Central Registry and full fingerprint based national criminal check.
Approved educational program -
A. Any program at the University of Wyoming or a Wyoming community college or other accredited education program within Wyoming or other program approved by DFS which leads to no more than a baccalaureate, associate degree or nationally recognized certification or license; or
B. A vocational training at any such school and approved by Department of Family Services.
Arrearages - all amounts of past due child support and medical support.
Assessment - the act of evaluating a person, condition, assets or income.
Assets - all real and personal property, cash or other liquid assets owned by a person and the person has the right, power or authority to withdraw funds, sell, transfer, convert to cash or dispose of the asset.
A. Liquid assets - cash on hand, money in checking or savings accounts, savings certificates, stocks or bonds, IRA’s or Keogh plans, less the penalties for early withdrawal (also includes lump sums for SNAP);
B. Non-liquid asset - assets that are not cash or financial instruments and cannot be readily turned into cash within 20 working days;
C. For burial - funds immediately available from other governmental agencies or sources to assist with burial.
Assignment of Rights (Assignment of Support) – Any assignment of rights to support or any assignment of rights to medical support and to payment for medical care from any third party. This assignment includes child and spousal support and is a condition of eligibility of POWER or Title IV Part E, Foster Care. This allows the state to retain support payments as partial reimbursement of public assistance expenditures made on behalf of the custodial parent and/or the child(ren).
Assistance unit - persons living together whose income and assets must be considered in determining eligibility and benefit level.
Authorized representative - a person acting on behalf of a client or assistance unit.
Available - income and assets are considered when actually obtainable and when the applicant/recipient has legal interest in a liquidated sum and has the legal ability to make such sum available for support and maintenance. (see Access)
Barrier to sale - there is an inherent legal restriction on the right to sell, convey or transfer the client's share or ownership of an asset.
Battered or subjected to extreme cruelty - an individual who has been subjected to (P.L. 104-193):
A. Physical acts that resulted in, or threatened to result in, physical injury to the individual;
B. Sexual abuse;
C. Sexual activity involving a dependent;
D. Being forced as the caretaker relative of a dependent child to engage in non-consensual sexual acts or activities;
E. Threats of, or attempts at, physical or sexual abuse;
F. Mental abuse; or
G. Neglect or deprivation of medical care.
Benefits Processing Unit (BPU) - Financial Services Division within Department of Family Services –State Office.
Beneficiary - an individual having a present or future interest, vested or contingent, in the income from or principal of a trust. Also used to designate recipients of Social Security benefits.
Beneficiary Data Exchange System (BENDEX) – provides the amount of Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (RSDI) benefits paid to people entered on the system. (aka BDX for EPICS coding).
Best estimate – the Benefit Specialist's best determination based on knowledge of past, current and future case circumstances which accurately reflect all facts known to the Benefit Specialist at the time.
Boarder -
A. One who pays an amount equal to or exceeding the Thrifty Food Plan for more than two (2) meals per day for the size of the boarder’s assistance unit; or
B. One who pays an amount equal to or exceeding two-thirds (2/3) of the Thrifty Food Plan for two (2) meals or less per day for the size of the boarder’s assistance unit.
Bona fide -
A. For burial, a trust, contract or agreement specified for that express purpose and there cannot be other funds or items designated for burial;
B. An offer made in good faith without fraud or deceit; or
C. A bona-fide loan is one where there is a written agreement to repay the loan.
D. A bona-fide offer of employment is one that is made in writing without contingencies.
Bona-fide effort to sell - the act of putting property up for sale at a reasonable price and providing verification of same.
Break-in-aid - a period of one (1) or more months in which an assistance unit is not eligible and does not receive assistance.
Budgeting - the act of calculating the amount of the benefit to be paid to the assistance unit.
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) - an agency within the Department of Interior.
Burial fund -
A. An asset specifically designated for burial of a specified person.
B. Bank account, life insurance policy or written agreement with a funeral home specifically designated for burial of a specified person and not commingled with funds not set aside for burial.
Burial plot - a grave site, the value of which may include opening and closing costs, a vault, crypt, urn, grave marker, (i.e. burial space item).
Business expenses - for self-employment, the costs directly related to the production of goods or services provided by the operation which are then subtracted from the gross income to determine the net income.
Capital gain - the proceeds/profit from the sale of assets which is calculated in the same manner as a capital gain for federal income tax purposes.
Care and control – when a parent(s) or caretaker relative(s) can be counted on to function in planning for and/or is giving the child(ren) physical care, guidance and maintenance as follows:
A. Guidance – parental participation in the responsibility for the child(ren)’s development. Such participation includes, but is not limited to attending school conferences, disciplining the child(ren), participating in decisions concerning the child(ren)'s well being and involvement in the child(ren)’s extracurricular activities.
B. Maintenance - typically synonymous with support as in provision of necessities such as food, clothing and shelter.
C. Physical care - providing continuous care for the child(ren) by performing tasks required in the child(ren)'s daily life such as, but not limited to, bathing, feeding, dressing, assuring medical attention is received by the child(ren), preparing meals, supervising the child(ren)'s activities and assisting with other physical care needs.
Caretaker - an adult who may or may not be related to the child(ren) or an adult who has a court order giving legal responsibilities or guardianship and who is exercising the care and control of the child(ren), including foster parents.
Caretaker relative - a person who meets the definition of a relative and is exercising the day-to-day care and control of the child(ren).
Case management - a series of activities directed toward the common goal of client self-sufficiency and self- responsibility.
Case manager (CM) – the individual who provides employment directed services to job seekers.
Case record - includes the applicant's or recipient's case file and the information contained in the eligibility computer system.
Cash assistance - a welfare benefit paid by another state or a POWER performance payment made to or on behalf of an eligible person(s).
Cash surrender value (CSV) - see Value.
Cash value - see Value.
Categorically eligible - the determination of assistance units containing persons who are all receiving assistance from SSI, POWER or Tribal TANF have automatically satisfied certain eligibility criteria.
Certification period - a definite period of time within which an assistance unit is eligible to receive benefits, not to exceed 12 months.
Change in circumstance - a change which affects the ongoing eligibility/benefit.
Child - a dependent between birth and 18 years of age who is not an emancipated minor or a minor parent. For SNAP, the child does not need to be a dependent.
Child Protective Services (CPS) - child welfare services performed by persons legally responsible for investigating suspected cases of child abuse and neglect and intervening in verified cases.
Child Support - see Support.
Child Support Enforcement (CSE) - a legal entity charged with maintaining a child support enforcement program at the judicial district level which complies fully with the provision of state law, P.L. 104-193, as amended, and being responsible and accountable for the proper operation of such program for all ongoing and backlogged cases.
Child Support pass-through - a portion of child support collected by the state and released to the custodial caretaker.
Child Support performance requirement – a Pay-After-Performance requirement which includes assigning child support rights to DFS, establishing paternity and cooperating with the CSE in the collection of child support payments.
Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) - the U.S. agency responsible for admitting and assigning residence status to people entering the U.S. from other countries. (Formerly known as Immigration and Naturalization Service – INS).
Claim - an eligibility system identification number which is made up of one or more over-payment months.
Claim number - the Social Security number (SSN) plus one (1) or two (2) alpha characters which indicate the primary beneficiary, the type of benefits paid and the designated recipient of the benefits.
Clear and convincing proof – the evidence presented by a party during a trial must be highly and substantially more probable to be true than not.
Client error (CL) - a misunderstanding or unintended error on the part of the assistance unit or provider.
Collateral contact - a verbal or written confirmation of the circumstances of an assistance unit or provider by a knowledgeable person outside the assistance unit.
Color of law (aka Permanently Residing Under Color of Law [PRUCOL]) - used by the CIS and applies to immigrants who are living in the U.S. with the knowledge and permission of the CIS and whose departure from the U.S. the CIS does not contemplate enforcing. Immigrant who entered the U.S.:
A. Lawfully in a status other than lawful permanent resident and who are assumed to be here permanently without being granted permanent resident status; or
B. Unlawfully but have resided here continuously since 1/1/72.
Commingled - a financial account in which exempt and nonexempt funds are mixed together.
Compliance – see Cooperate.
Confidentiality - the limitation of the use and disclosure of applicant and recipient information.
Conservator - a person designated by a legal document to take over and protect the interests of an individual whom is unable to manage her/his own affairs.
Continued absence - see Absence.
Contribution - a voluntary or mandatory monetary or in-kind grant or aid provided by another person(s) which is not repayment for goods or services and is not given because of a legal obligation on the giver's part.
Contribution Statement - a written statement verifying a contribution has been made to or behalf of another person(s).
Cooperate – Pay-After- Performance requirements, including registration for work with Department of Workforce Services, child support, work program and eligibility requirements.
Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) – cost of living increase.
Countable income - see Income.
Court appointed - an assignment/determination made by a judicial tribunal duly constituted for hearing of cases.
Court of appropriate jurisdiction - a district, county or small claims court as determined by the amount of the over-payment, the circumstances of the case and the advice of legal counsel.
Court Order – an order issued by the court and used by CSE to determine necessary enforcement action to collect a support obligation.
Criminal history pre-screen - a pre-screening by DFS of Wyoming Criminal Records limited to certain crimes against persons and various crimes involving children.
Current market value (CMV) - see Value.
Current month – see Month.
Custodian – an individual who has been appointed by the court to care for a person as reflected in a court order.
Date of action - the day the benefit will be issued, increased, reduced, denied or terminated. The date an action will be effective.
Date of application - the date the signed application is received and date stamped in the DFS-FO; the date compliance with the child support, work and eligibility performance requirements must begin.
Date of discovery – the date the potential over-payment is identified by the eligibility worker.
Date of eligibility – the day benefits are required to begin.
Date of referral - the date of completion of the DFS 760 form and/or the date the re-coupment case is entered on the eligibility computer system.
Deem - to consider the income and assets of one (1) person as the income and assets of a second person whether or not they are actually available.
Default - when the assistance unit fails during the month to make the repayment or pay the full amount agreed upon in the installment contract.
Department of Family Services (DFS) – the Wyoming state agency which has administrative responsibility for the programs.
Department of Family Services-Field Office (DFS-FO) - the DFS staff that determines eligibility for Economic Security Division Programs.
Department of Family Services-State Office (DFS-SO) - the DFS staff that provides administration for Economic Security Division Programs.
Department of Workforce Services (DWS) – the Wyoming state agency responsible for administering the POWER work program, SNAP Employment and Training program and work registration.
Dependent child - see Child.
Developmentally Disabled (DD) - one who is experiencing significant sub-average physical, emotional, and/or mental functioning as verified by a medical professional or the WDH.
Disabled - the condition is considered to be permanent.
For SNAP - a person receiving:
A. SSI or Social Security disability payments (see definition of Receiving Social Security Benefits);
B. Disability retirement benefits from a governmental agency for a disability considered permanent under the Social Security Act;
C. Veteran's Administration disability benefits rated at 100% and paid to a veteran with a disability or considered in need of aid and attendance or permanently housebound;
D. VA assistance to a surviving spouse of a veteran considered in need of aid and attendance or permanently housebound;
E. VA assistance to a surviving child of a veteran and the child is considered permanently incapable of self-support;
F. Railroad retirement annuity payment to an individual also Medicare eligible; or
G. Interim assistance benefits pending receipt of SSI or disability-related Medicaid and the assistance is based on disability or blindness criteria at least as stringent as those used to determine disability under SSI.
For POWER - a person with a medical determination to receive disability benefits paid through SSA or Railroad Retirement because of a disability considered to be permanent.
Disability Determination Services (DDS) – a unit within the Social Security Administration (SSA) that determines whether or not an individual is disabled.
Disqualified - otherwise eligible, but due to an Intentional Program Violation (IPV), deprived of the opportunity to receive benefits for his/her own needs.
Disqualification Hearing -
Disregard – an allowable deduction from earned or unearned income.
Distribution - a payment, in cash, from a trust to or for the benefit of the beneficiary or a third party.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) - a division within the Wyoming Department of Employment.
Documentary evidence - a written confirmation by a knowledgeable source of the circumstances of the assistance unit or provider.
Documentary evidence error (DE) - an error caused by the assistance unit or provider when at least two (2) written documents are in the case file which substantiate the client willfully and knowingly failed to report or reported incorrectly for one or more payment months.
Domestic violence - action subjecting an individual to (P.L. 104-193):
A. Physical acts that resulted in, or threatened to result in, physical injury to the individual;
B. Sexual abuse;
C. Sexual activity involving a dependent;
D. Being forced as the caretaker relative of a dependent child to engage in non-consensual sexual acts or activities;
E. Threats of, or attempts at, physical or sexual abuse;
F. Mental abuse; or
G. Neglect or deprivation of medical care.
Draw (LLC/S Corp Related): - Any payment or transfer made from the business account for non business use. This could be things such as, but not limited to; house/rent payments, utility payments, meals, gifts, cash transfers to friends and family, purchases made for personal (non-business related) items etc.
Durable goods – as guidance, durable goods are objects that are used in a business that are expected to last a long time.
Earned income - see Income.
Earned income incentive payment – a payment made to an assistance unit when a family member becomes employed and the family would be ineligible for POWER because of earned income.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) - an amount of money either deducted from the taxes owed or paid as a refund resulting from filing a Form 1040 or 1040A tax return for a calendar year.
Edmund’s Automobile Valuation Guide - the internet site which provides a used car value guide.
Elderly -
A. For SNAP - a person who is 60 years of age or older;
B. For all other programs - a person who is 65 years of age or older (aka Aged).
Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) - the process by which SNAP benefits are transferred to Wyoming cards.
Electronic Disqualified Recipient System (eDRS) – EDRS is a centralized national database, utilizing data submitted each month by all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam and the Virgin Islands, that tracks individuals disqualified from participation in the FSP for intentional program violations.
Eligibility factor - a specified condition a client must meet to qualify or receive benefits.
EPICS - Eligibility Payment Information Computer System
Eligibility performance requirement – a specified condition an applicant/recipient must meet in order to qualify to receive a POWER performance payment.
Emancipation - the condition of being freed from parental care and control resulting from:
A. Lawfully recognized marriage;
B. Reaching the age of majority (age 18);
C. Military service; or
D. Having received a declaration of emancipation pursuant to W.S. 14-1-101, as amended 7/1/96 (see Financially responsible).
Employed - See Working
Employment - an activity in which an individual works for wages.
A. For SNAP -
1. For income reporting purposes, full-time employment is any employment of 35 hours per week or more;
2. For work requirement purposes, full-time employment is any employment of 30 hours per week or more.
3. Part-time is any employment of less than 35 hours per week.
B. For POWER -
1. Full-time is 35 or more clock hours per week and earning at least the equivalent of the federal minimum wage, including self-employment.
2. Part-time is less than 35 clock hours per week, or if the hours average more than 35 hours per week and the employment pays less than the federal minimum wage.
Employment and Training Program (E & T) - the Employment and Training Program as described in the current SNAP E&T regulations.
Employment training – a planned, supervised program which may be a combination of classroom and on-the-job training experiences that impart knowledge or develop skills or abilities to prepare a person for employment.
Encumbrance - a claim or legal debt(s) against an asset which must be paid when the asset is sold and is supported by a written document.
Equity value - see Value.
Error - the receipt by an assistance unit or provider of benefits or payments over the amount of entitlement.
Essential for day-to-day living - as stated by the caretaker relative, the item or service is indispensable or necessary for the survival of the assistance unit.
Estate – assets and liabilities left by a person at death.
Excess child support - money received from the non-custodial parent in the current month that is more than the support obligation for the current month.
Exempt - a category of income, assets or circumstances not subject to program policy or limits and is not counted for eligibility purposes.
Expedited service - a requirement to allow specific applicant assistance units to go through an abbreviated application process in order to participate in SNAP no later than the seventh calendar day following the date of application.
Exploitation - the performance of daring deeds or taking advantage of another; abuse; misuse.
Face value (FV) - see Value.
Failure to comply - neglecting to keep the initial interview and other scheduled meeting and to meet any of the child support, work program, or eligibility performance standards.
Fair market value (FMV) – see Value.
Federal Insured Contribution Act (FICA) - commonly known as the Social Security contribution deducted from wages and used for RSDI payments.
Federal Poverty Level (FPL) - guidelines for poverty level established annually by the Federal Office of Management and Budget.
Fee-simple - an interest in land that, being the broadest property interest allowed by law, endures until the current holder dies without heirs.
Financially responsible - answerable or liable by law for providing the funds to meet the needs of a spouse and/or child(ren). (see Emancipation).
Five (5) year benefit limit - AFDC, POWER, and/or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) payments are limited to five (5) years (whether or not consecutive) for any assistance unit regardless of location.
Fixed income assistance unit - an assistance unit in which adult members are all without earned income, have stable unearned income and are either elderly or disabled.
Fleeing (for POWER only)–
A. For felons, moving outside the jurisdiction of the court where the felon was tried and convicted.
B. For battered or subject to extreme cruelty, moving outside the county, state or country to seek a safe and secure environment with the assistance of a domestic violence agency.
Fleeing felon - To determine if an individual is a fleeing felon the following 4 criteria must be met - all four items have to be present and verified by the State to determine that an individual is a fleeing felon:
A. There has to be an outstanding felony warrant for an individual;
B. The individual has to be aware of, or should reasonably have been able to expect that, a warrant has or would have been issued;
C. The individual has to have taken some action to avoid being arrested or jailed; and
D. A law enforcement agency must be actively seeking the individual.
Fluctuating income - see Income.
Foster care provider - the facility or person(s) licensed or approved by DFS and caring for the child(ren) placed in their care.
Foster Care, Title IV-E - Title IV-E foster care is a financial assistance program under the Social Security Act, as amended.
Foster child – a child(ren)/youth who has been placed in a foster care home or an approved/licensed facility by DFS.
Fraud (FR) – documented misrepresentation, concealment or nondisclosure of information pertaining to an eligibility factor to obtain a performance payment, remain eligible for payment or to avoid a decrease in payment.
Fugitive felon - a person who is fleeing to avoid prosecution, or custody or confinement after conviction, under the laws of the state from which the individual is fleeing, for a crime, or an attempt to commit a crime, which is a felony under the laws of the state from which the individual is fleeing, i.e., murder, burglary.
Full-time employment - see Employment.
Full-time post-secondary education or vocational training - enrollment of at least 12 semester hours each fall and spring semester and a total of 30 credit hours per school year.
Full-time school - see School Attendance.
Graduated - meaning the student has completed their course of study or training and does not intend to register for the next normal school term.
Garnishment - a legal withholding of a specified sum from wages to satisfy a creditor.
General Equivalency Diploma (GED) - the document that indicates a person has passed prescribed testing to obtain the equivalent of a high school education without the diploma.
Gift - something bestowed voluntarily and without compensation.
Good cause - a specified reason based on accepted standards supporting the individual's action and thereby eliminates the penalty which normally is imposed for a sanctionable action or inaction. (This applies to employment, work program requirements, late reporting of a change in circumstances and cooperation with child support or third party liability requirements.) Note: The SNAP Program does not allow any good cause for untimely reporting of changes.
Grantee – primary informant individual.
Grantor – the person giving the Trustee the legal right to manage a trust.
Gross income - see Income.
Guardian – a person appointed by the court or a legal document to care for a person or manage the property of another as specified in the court order or other legal document.
Guidance - see Care and control.
Half-time school - see School attendance.
Hardship - waiving the in-office interview due to reasons including, but not limited to, illness, transportation difficulties, care of an assistance unit member, residency in a rural area, and adult(s) assistance unit member with limited English proficiency, prolonged severe weather or work or training hours.
Health and Human Services (HHS) - the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
Health insurance plan – an individual or group insurance policy or contract or a medical or hospital service agreement or other health care delivery system for the purpose of paying for or reimbursing the cost of hospital and medical care.
High school - a school attended after elementary school which consists of grades 7-12.
Hit - a discrepancy found between the eligibility computer system data and the interface with records of other agencies such as IRS, DWS wages and UIB, RSDI, SSI, Workers’ Compensation, etc.
Home –
A. For SNAP –
1. The home and surrounding property that is not separated from the home by intervening property owned by others.
2. Public rights of way, such as roads that run through the surrounding property and separate it, will not affect the exemption of the property.
B. For POWER –
1. For “living with”, the family setting in which the child(ren) is living with a caretaker relative who has taken on and continues the day-to-day care and control of the child(ren).
2. For asset purposes, a home is any shelter owned by the caretaker relative which is the current place of residence and includes the building and land upon which it is located, the land adjoining the home and all the mobile homes/buildings located thereon.
Homeless - the condition or lack of a permanent dwelling or lack of a fixed or home address.
Homeless individual - An individual who lacks a fixed and regular nighttime residence or an individual whose primary nighttime residence is:
A. A supervised shelter designed to provide temporary accommodations (such as a welfare hotel or congregate shelter);
B. A halfway house or similar institution that provides temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized;
C. Temporary accommodation in residence of another individual for no more than 90 days; or
D. A place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings (i.e. a hallway, bus station, lobby or similar places).
Homeless meal provider - a public or private nonprofit establishment (i.e., soup kitchen, temporary shelter) that feeds homeless persons and may accept SNAP benefits if approved by DFS-SO and authorized by the Food and Nutrition Service.
Household - the people occupying one (1) or more rooms of a house, apartment or mobile home, hotel, motel, etc., and may include one (1) or more assistance units and/or ineligible person(s).
Household furnishings – furniture, electric appliances, clothing and personal items owned by the assistance unit.
Housing subsidy – any income based housing or any government financial assistance provided to an assistance unit for rent such as, but not limited to, that under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, Title V of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the National Housing Act or the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which includes Indian and public housing, Section 8 new and existing rental housing and Section 236 rental housing.
Illegal immigrant - a foreign national who is ineligible for performance payments and who:
A. Entered the U.S. without inspection or with fraudulent documentation; or
B. After entering legally as a non-immigrant, violated status and remained in the U.S. without permission.
Immediate family member -
A. For POWER – when caring for an incapacitated relative, the incapacitated family member must be a grandparent, parent, child or sibling.
Immigrant - a person residing in, and who is not a citizen of, the U.S.
Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) - P.L. 99-603.
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) - see Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS).
Incapacitated - a condition considered to be temporary.
A. For SNAP - a physical or mental defect, illness or impairment, sufficiently serious to eliminate or substantially reduce the ability to participate in employment, job search, a training or educational program, prepare meals, transport oneself or otherwise function unassisted.
B. For POWER - a physical or mental defect, illness or impairment sufficiently serious to eliminate or substantially reduce the individual’s ability to participate in employment, job search or a training or educational program.
Incest - per W.S. 6-4-402, knowingly committing sexual intrusion or sexual contact with an ancestor or descendant or a brother or sister of the whole or half blood.
Income – money received from any source but not any item specified in policy as an asset.
A. Contract income – earnings paid through an agreement with another; considered self-employment if the individual is paying her/his own taxes;
B. Countable income – the amount of income used to determine eligibility in the computation of the performance payment after application of the appropriate disregard.
C. Earned income – payment received in cash or in-kind for wages, salary, tips, commissions, as an employee or net-profit from activities in which the individual is engaged as self-employed.
D. Exempt income – income that is not counted.
E. Fluctuating income – monthly income that varies in frequency of receipt or amount each month due to working overtime, hourly pay with varying hours, receipt of tips or commissions, changes of hours or pay rate or decrease or increase in hours of work due to vacations, sick leave or seasonal employment.
F. Gross income – the total money the person receives prior to any deductions (i.e. Social Security, withholding tax, garnishments, etc.).
G. In-kind income – the receipt of goods or services instead of money.
H. Irregular income –
I. Net income or profit – the gross receipts from self-employment less the current business expenses or the gross income less the allowable SNAP income deductions.
J. Nonexempt income – all money received to which the program policy limits are applied.
K. Ongoing income – money received on a regular basis, no less frequently than monthly, and is expected to continue.
L. Self-employment income – earning one’s own living directly from one’s own profession or business rather than earning a salary or commission from another.
M. Stable income – income received in a set/fixed amount from the same source(s) on a regular basis and there additional income that fluctuates.
N. Unearned income – all money received that is not earned by providing goods and services or defined as an asset.
Income producing property - property essential to the production of goods and services, including stock (merchandise), inventory, tools, equipment, trucks, cars, earth moving equipment, etc., and used in a trade, business or other income producing activity. For POWER, this does not include real property such as rental property, business property and farm land.
Incomplete report - any information furnished in writing, in person or by phone which concerns a change in circumstances but is insufficient to verify and/or act upon the change.
Indian land – real property owned jointly by the tribe or where the sale can be made only with the permission of other owners, the tribe or the BIA.
Individual Indian Money (IIM) - Also known as Office of Special Trustees (OST) payments
An Individual Indian Money (IIM) account is an interest-bearing account managed by the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Trust Funds Administration (BTFA) on behalf of an individual who has money or other assets held in trust for them by the Federal government. You might have an IIM account because:
- You inherited the land through probate.
- You received an interest in trust land through a Gift Deed or purchase.
- You received a per capita trust payment from a Tribe, a tribal settlement, or a court-ordered judgment award.
Individual Responsibility Certificate of Understanding (IRCU) - the document which must be signed by all adult, minor parent and teenage school dropout applicants/recipients and clearly describes the required performance standards to be met to receive a performance payment. The applicant/recipient indicates if s(he) agrees or does not agree to comply with each requirement.
Individual Responsibility Plan (IRP) - the document mutually agreed to by the POWER applicant/recipient and the Benefit Specialist and/or Department of Workforce Services (DWS) work program case manager (CM) which is a self-sufficiency plan for the family.
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) - a pension or plan that permits individuals to set aside savings that are tax free until retirement.
Ineligible – not entitled to receive a benefit due to failure to meet one or more of the specified conditions required by the program.
Infant - a child from birth to 12 months of age.
Initial eligibility determination - the act of evaluating each eligibility factor for each person applying for benefits and finding the case eligible or ineligible during the initial processing period.
Initial month - see Month.
Initial qualification - effective 2/1/97, once an individual receives a POWER performance payment, the following months count toward the ten month provision for adding a person whether a payment is received or not. The performance payment cannot exceed the highest maximum payment level used in the ten-month period after the first payment begins.
In-kind earned income - see Income.
Institution - an establishment that furnishes (in single or multiple facilities) food, shelter and/or some treatment or services to four (4) or more persons unrelated to the proprietor.
Institution of higher education -
A. For SNAP - a regular curriculum at a college or university offering degree programs or a business, technical, trade or vocational school that normally requires a high school diploma or equivalency certificate for enrollment in the curriculum.
1. For college or universities that offer degree programs, if the student is enrolled in a program outside of the regular curriculum, they are NOT enrolled in an institution of higher education (i.e. non-credit classes, certificate programs, continuing education programs, etc. )
2. For business, technical, trade or vocational schools, if the student is enrolled in a program that does not normally require a high school diploma or equivalent, they are NOT enrolled in an institution of higher education.
B. For POWER - a college, university, vocational or trade school that offers degree programs regardless of whether a high school diploma is required.
Insurance settlements - the money received by a person(s) from a company for damage of property or person.
Intact family - an assistance unit consisting of both natural or adoptive parents and child(ren) living together whether or not the parents are married to each other.
Intentional Program Violation (IPV) - the act of making a false or misleading statement or misrepresentation, concealment or withholding of facts by an individual for the purpose of establishing or maintaining eligibility for benefits to which the family is not entitled. IPV's are determined through a formal hearing process.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - the U.S. government tax collection agency.
Irrevocable - incapable of being canceled, rescinded, broken or changed by the action of either party.
Irrevocable income trust - a document appointing a person, known as a Trustee, to manage the grantor’s income placed in the trust.
Joint custody - the result of a divorce action giving each parent the right to care for the child(ren) during specific time periods which are close to being equally split between both parents (see Primary caretaker).
Joint tenancy/Joint tenancy with survivorship - A tenancy with two (2) or more co-owners who take identical interests simultaneously by the same instrument and with the same right of possession. A joint tenancy differs from a tenancy in common because each joint tenant has a right of survivorship to the other’s share (in some states, this right must be clearly expressed in the conveyance – otherwise, the tenancy will be presumed to be a tenancy in common).
Knowledgeable source –
A. A person who has a considerable degree of familiarity of a subject gained through experience with or association with the individual or subject.
B. For evaluation of an asset, a person who is professionally aware of the value of the property in the community.
Late reporting - information not furnished when the change becomes known to the client or verifications which are not furnished within the allowable time frames.
Law enforcement - persons or agencies who require compliance with the principles and regulations established in a community under the authority of state and/or federal legislation and enforced by judicial decision.
Lawful permanent resident immigrant - one who has been granted the right to live in the United States indefinitely as an immigrant in accordance with the immigration laws, such status not having changed since admission. (Does not include Color of Law individuals.)
Legal barrier - see Barrier to sale.
Legal encumbrance - a lien or claim on an asset which is recognized by law.
Legal guardian - a person who has been appointed by the court to have custody of and to care for a person. (W.S. 3-1-101 and 3-2-201)
Legal obligation - an obligation, such as a court order, that would be upheld by a judge in a court of law, i.e., a divorce decree, an order issued through an administrative law judge, or a legally enforceable separation agreement.
Life estate - the rights of ownership belonging to an individual and existing until the individual’s death but actual title or deed to the property belongs to another individual.
Life insurance - a contract on which the owner pays premiums during his lifetime and:
A. The company pays at least the face amount of the policy to the beneficiary upon the death of the insured;
B. The payment may include a loan or cash surrender value; and
C. The payment may include accumulated dividends.
Liquid asset - see Assets.
Loan - a debt the borrower has an obligation to repay (see Bona fide).
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) - a federally and state funded program that exists to partially meet the cost of home heating energy.
Lump sum - a payment of earned/unearned money, i.e., payment of retroactive benefits such as, but not limited to, RSDI, lottery winnings, UIB, cash inheritances or workers compensation awards. It is the total amount received minus legal fees required to make the money available and minus the amount designated by the payer or source for medical expenses.
A. For SNAP - the payment must be nonrecurring (one time only).
B. For PRICE - all or partial payment on a claim prior to negotiation or prior to a regular monthly payment.
Maintenance - see Care and control.
Mandatory - refers to a person(s) who is required to meet specified provisions within the law, rules and/or policy.
Marriage or married couple – a contractual relationship between a man and a woman recognized by the State of Wyoming with a document, certificate or license or when Social Security Administration (SSA) decides either of the couple is entitled to a husband’s or wife’s Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (RSDI) as a spouse.
Mass change - the act of affecting appropriate cases by issuing a new or revised policy caused by a change in state or federal law. A mass change for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a change to the program that is initiated by the federal or state government and affects a large portion of the caseload. Mass changes are effective on the same date for all households.
Maximum benefit level - the maximum amount of benefits for SNAP and the maximum POWER payment for an assistance unit.
Medicaid - a federal program of medical assistance and services established under Title XIX of the Social Security Act for eligible low income aged, blind or disabled persons and families and children.
Medical professional - a licensed physician, a licensed psychologist or master’s level mental health worker. For SNAP this includes a physician’s assistant and nurse practitioner.
Mental health professional - a licensed psychologist or master’s level mental health worker employed by a public or private human services organization or in private practice.
Mentally/physically disabled/incapacitated - see Physically/mentally disabled/incapacitated.
Migrant farm worker assistance unit - an assistance unit that moves on a regular basis to find work in harvesting crops or other agricultural activities.
Military allotment - see Support.
Minor - a person under age 18 who does not meet emancipation criteria in Wyoming laws.
Minor parent - an unemanicipated mother or father who is under the age of 18.
Minor parent provision - the requirements a minor parent must meet per W.S. 42-2-103 to be eligible for a POWER performance payment.
Monetary – any income in the certification period which is received too infrequently or irregularly to be reasonable anticipated, but not in excess of $50 in a quarter.
Month –
A. Benefit month – the calendar month for which eligibility will be authorized and benefits issued.
B. Beginning months – for SNAP:
1. The months the assistance unit applies and is certified and the month thereafter.
2. An additional beginning month may be allowed to coincide with POWER or TRIBAL TANF if the assistance unit applies and is eligible for SNAP and the other program at the same time.
C. Current month - the month in which eligibility is determined.
D. Initial month –
1. The first month for which the assistance unit is certified for participation following any break in participation.
2. For migrant and seasonal farm worker assistance units, the first month following a period of more than 30 days when the assistance unit was not certified.
E. Performance payment month - for POWER, the payment received on the first of the month following the performance period and paid for compliance during that performance period (the 15th of one month through the14th of the following month).
Month received - the calendar month in which the payer or source made the money available or the individual receives the money in hand, whichever occurs first. (Social Security benefits, SSI and POWER, when received at the end of the month for the following month, count in the following month.)
Mortgage insurance – insurance that covers lender if the person defaults on their home loan. Payment is made to mortgage lender when the person has not paid the required amount down. Insurance would end when the client completes paying remaining balance down.
Necessities - those items which are reasonably required to sustain life (i.e. food, clothing, shelter, health and medical needs).
Need – For POWER - the lack of money to purchase essential items to sustain life and measured by the maximum POWER payment.
Need allowance - the amount of money allotted to cover the needs of a person(s) which is determined by using the maximum POWER payment for the assistance unit size.
Net income - see Income.
Net profit - for self-employment, the gross receipts, less the current business expenses (see Business expenses and Income).
Noncompliance/Non-cooperation -
A. For SNAP – a position the assistance unit clearly demonstrates it will not take actions it can take and which are required to complete the application process or to determine ongoing eligibility.
B. For POWER - the act of refusing or failing to comply with a child support, work program or eligibility performance standard.
Noncompliance penalty - nonpayment of POWER due to not cooperating with the Pay-After-Performance requirements and the month counts towards the five (5) year benefit limit.
Non-custodial parent – the parent who does not have primary care, custody, or control of the child, and who may have an obligation to pay child support.
Nonexempt - (countable) a category of income or assets to be used in budgeting or to which the program policy and limits are to be applied.
Nonperishable expenditure item – includes items such as tools which cost more than $100 and which retain high resale value.
Non-public assistance (NPA) household - a household not receiving benefits.
Notice of action - a written statement which informs the applicant/recipient of the intended action.
Notice of adverse action - a written statement which informs the applicant/recipient of the intended action to be taken in the manner of payment, the amount of payment and/or the period of eligibility, the reason and specific regulation(s) supporting the action, the date the action will occur and a statement of the person's right to request a hearing.
A. Adequate notice - a notice of action informing the assistance unit of a decrease or termination in benefits to be received by the assistance unit no later than the date the benefits would have been received.
B. Five (5)-day notice - a notice of action mailed at least five (5) days before the action would become effective when the agency obtains facts indicating payment should be reduced or terminated due to possible fraud of the applicant/recipient.
C. Ten day notice period - the 10 days which starts the day the notice is mailed per the date on the eligibility computer system.
D. Timely notice - a notice of action mailed at least 10 days before the date the action would become effective.
Numident - the tape of matched and unmatched Social Security numbers transmitted from the eligibility computer system and run against SSA files.
Offset - to reduce the amount of the over-payment by the amount of an existing underpayment.
Ongoing eligibility determination - the act of evaluating each open case and finding the case eligible or ineligible based on the reported change in circumstances and performance of the assistance unit.
Ongoing income - see Income.
Open case - an assistance unit on the eligibility computer system in payment or medical status, or a recipient/unit with a zero performance payment.
Over-payment/Over-issuance - benefits issued to an assistance unit for the benefit month which exceeds the amount for which the unit, or an individual within the unit, was eligible.
Parent – a natural, legal or adoptive mother or father of any age. Under W.S.14-2-102(a)(iv) of the Wyoming State Statutes, a person is presumed to be the father when he openly holds out the child to be his natural child.
Parental care/Physical care – in its general usage means physical custody which means charge of, oversight of and responsibility for the safety and well-being of a child. Physical custody implies also living together or in the same household with the child(ren).
Parental choice - the parent/caretaker may select any person he/she chooses who meets the definition of a provider.
Parental control – when a child, other than a foster child, is financially or otherwise dependent on a non-parent member of the assistance unit.
Parental obligation - the portion of the child care cost the parent(s)/caretaker(s) is responsible to pay based on the size and income of the assistance unit.
Parental Obligation System for Support Enforcement (POSSE) - the child support enforcement computer system.
Parental support - see Support.
Participating in a strike – legally or illegally taking part in a work stoppage or slowdown.
Part-time employment - see Employment.
Pass Through - when a household member receives monies that is either (a) used to pay a shared expense or (b) used to pay an expense that they are not responsible for.
Past Due - 30 days after billing due date which does not have a payment arrangements or when waiting for verification, 30 days after the receipt of verification.
Paternity – a legal relationship existing between a child and his natural, legal or adoptive father per W.S. 14-2-101 and 102.
Pay-After-Performance – receipt of a performance payment after the mandatory family members have met the child support, work program and eligibility requirements for the corresponding performance period.
Payee - the person in whose name the benefit is issued.
Payment – the act of giving a check or warrant to the grantee or the legal representative.
Performance payment - money paid to an eligible family who has met all performance requirements.
Performance payment month - see Month.
Performance period – the 15th of one month through the 14th of the following month.
Performance requirement - a specified eligibility, child support or work condition an applicant or recipient must meet in order to receive a performance payment. (See Child Support performance requirement, Eligibility performance requirement and Work program performance requirements).
Period of intended use - the month in which the benefits are issued, except benefits issued after the 20th of the month, and then it is the last day of the month following issuance.
Periodic review – an interview held not less than six (6) months to re-determine all eligibility factors, child support and work program performance requirements, and establish a new best estimate of income, when applicable, and enter documentation in the case file to acknowledge the review occurred.
Perjury – a willful false statement of a material fact, swearing to what is untrue or omitting to answer all questions under oath.
Permanent resident immigrant – see Lawful permanent resident immigrant.
Personal Identification Number (PIN) – the five (5) digit number chosen by the client as a security code to access EBT benefits.
Personal injury insurance – protection purchased from a company for the payment of cash upon occurrence of an injury or accident and is not for repair, replacement or medical expenses.
Personal Opportunities With Employment Responsibilities (POWER) – the program set up and partially funded under the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) block grant, formerly AFDC.
Personal property - all things owned or possessed excluding land and building affixed thereto.
Physical care - the act of attending to the material and natural needs of a child(ren) (see Care and control).
Physical harm - damage or injury to the body that exists or threatens to exist if a specified event occurs.
Physically/mentally disabled/incapacitated - pertains to the time limit provision, verification has been provided substantiating the health of an applicant/recipient is of such severity the individual cannot obtain/retain employment and/or maintain independence in the community as it is beyond the individual's capability.
Plan for Achieving Self Support (PASS) account - an account set up by an SSI recipient for the specific purpose of fulfillment of a Plan for Achieving Self-Support under Title XVI of the Social Security Act.
Post-secondary education – a program of instruction beyond high school directed toward a degree, a license or a certificate and offered by:
A. An institution of higher education as determined by the Secretary of Education; or
B. A public institution legally authorized by the State of Wyoming to provide such a program.
Power of Attorney (POA) - a written document a person signs appointing another person to legally act in behalf of or perform duties as if s/he was the person taking the action.
Preponderance of evidence – when the number of supporting facts or statements for one condition is greater than for another condition.
Primary beneficiary - a person who has worked the specified number of quarters in covered employment and is eligible for retirement or disability benefits from SSA in his/her own right.
Primary caretaker - the person(s) who provides the care and control of the child(ren) more than 50% of the month/year and there is likely to be an interruption of the absent parent's provision of maintenance, guidance and/or physical care of the child(ren) (see Care and Control).
Primary evidence - a document or record of an official government agency or public institution accepted in a judicial proceeding as establishing the truth.
Program requirement - the condition(s) that must be met to qualify for a POWER performance payment.
Project area - any county or district consisting of counties designated by the state as an administrative unit for program purposes.
Property - both real and personal assets owned by the family unit.
Pro-rata share - the gross earned and unearned income, less all allowable exclusions, divided by the number of assistance unit members including the excluded individual(s).
Prorate - divide or distribute proportionally:
A. Based on days of eligibility for initial months of eligibility.
B. To determine months of ineligibility because of receipt of a lump sum.
C. To average income over intended period of use for self-employment or contractual income.
Prosecution, Recovery, Investigation, Collection Enforcement (PRICE) – Prosecution, Recovery, Investigation, Collection Enforcement in the DFS.
Prospective budgeting - using the best estimate of the income and circumstances that will exist in the benefit month to determine eligibility and to compute the benefit.
Prospective eligibility - the method of testing income, expenses and circumstances for a future benefit month against specified conditions or factors when eligibility requirements are met.
Protective payee - the person, other than the caretaker relative, to whom payment is made and who is managing the funds for the purpose of safeguarding the health and safety of the child(ren).
Provider -
A. Any person other than a mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, foster parent or member of the assistance unit who is approved to provide child care services under the child care regulations and rules; or
B. An individual, business or agency from whom DFS purchases services or goods on behalf of a recipient or assistance unit.
Public assistance - any program where income and/or assets are tested to determine eligibility, (i.e., POWER, SSI, SNAP, Child Care and medical assistance).
Public institution - a governmental establishment, or an establishment over which a governmental unit exercises administrative control, that furnishes (in single or multiple facilities) food, shelter and some treatment or services to persons unrelated to the proprietor.
For POWER, these include State Hospital, Wyoming Life Resource Center, Community Alternative Centers (CAC), State Penitentiary, Women's Center, Honor Farm, Girls' School, Boys' School, Wyoming Pioneer Home and city/county jail facilities.
Pursuit – the act of seeking, obtaining or accomplishing the payment of child support through commonly accepted child support enforcement procedures.
Putative – commonly accepted or supposed.
Qualified immigrant -
A. A lawful permanent resident with 40 qualifying quarters of work (spouse and minor dependent can be credited) without receipt of government benefits;
B. A refugee, asylee, one whose deportation is withheld for up to five (5) years for PO and indefinitely for CC, upon entry into the U.S. or a parolee for up to one (1) year after entry into the U.S.
C. A qualified immigrant means an immigrant who at the time the immigrant applies for or receives SNAP is in one (1) of the following categories as determined by the Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS).
1. Lawfully admitted for permanent residence (LPR) in the United States (holders of green cards). This category includes “American immigrants” as defined under Section 584 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 1988;
2. Granted asylum under section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA);
3. Refugee admitted to the United States under section 207 of the INA (the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2002 (Public Law 106-386) requires victims of a severe form of trafficking to be treated as refugees for SNAP purposes);
4. Paroled into the United States under section 212(d)(5) of the INA for at least one (1) year;
5. Deportation is being withheld under section 243(h) of the INA as in effect before 4/1/97, or removal is withheld under section 214(b)(3) of the INA;
6. Granted conditional entry under section 203(a)(7) of the INA as in effect before 4/1/80;
7. Cuban or Haitian entrant under section 501(e) of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980;
8. Under certain circumstances, a battered spouse, battered child(ren) or parent or child(ren) of a battered person with a petition pending under 204(a)(1)(A) or (B) or 244(a)(3) of the INA;
9. U.S. military connection (veteran, active duty, spouse or unmarried dependent child(ren);
10. Lawfully in the U.S. on 8/22/96 and age 65 or older;
11. Qualified immigrant receiving blind or disability benefits, or under 18 years of age, regardless of date of entry;
12. Canadian born Indians under 289 of the INA;
13. Member of an Indian Tribe under 4(e) of Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act; or
14. Hmong or Highland Laotian refugees (fought on behalf of U.S. during Vietnam conflict).
Qualifying quarters - quarters of coverage under Title II of the Social Security Act, including quarters worked by the immigrant, a parent while the immigrant was under 18 and quarters worked by a spouse while married to the immigrant, and has not received public assistance.
Quarter – three (3) calendar months - January through March, April through June, July through September and October through December.
Real property - land and buildings or immovable objects permanently attached thereto; land, and generally whatever is erected, growing upon or affixed to the land.
Reapplication - the completion of an application in writing requesting assistance after being ineligible for benefits for more than one calendar month or, for SNAP, following a break in participation.
Reasonable appraisal - a value given by a knowledgeable source.
Reasonable distance - the distance from home to work does not exceed two (2) hours per day not including the transportation of a child(ren) to and from a child care facility.
Reasonably expected - the condition of being in agreement with the belief an event will occur.
Receiving Social Security Benefits;
- SSI for POWER - Receipt of a dollar amount for SSI payment. If a client is eligible for SSI but receiving a $0 payment the client is not considered to be receiving SSI for POWER purposes.
- SSDS and SSI for SNAP - Certified eligible to be receiving a SSDS or SSI payment. Even if a client receives a $0 payment the client is considered to be certified eligible for benefits and is considered to be receiving SSDS or SSI benefits for SNAP purposes.
Re-certification – re-applying when the certification period ends, re-verifying each factor of eligibility, establishing a new best estimate of income, when applicable, making a decision of eligibility and benefit amount, establishing a new certification period not to exceed 12 months and entering documentation in the case record.
Recipient - a person who is eligible for and receiving benefits on her/his own behalf or on behalf of others.
Recover - to collect a payment issued for which the person(s) was not eligible.
Re-determination - to re-verify each factor of eligibility, establish a new best estimate of income, when applicable, make a decision of eligibility and benefit amount based on the verified information and performance standards and enter documentation in the case record when a change in circumstances is reported.
Reinstate – to restore the case to eligible status when a full benefit month has not passed or an administrative hearing request has been requested timely.
Relative -
A. Blood relative, including those of half-blood, first cousins, nephews and nieces and persons of preceding generations denoted by prefixes of grand, great or great-great are included in this definition;
B. Stepmother, stepfather, stepbrother and stepsister;
C. Adoptive or natural parents and their adopted or natural children;
D. Siblings, including those related through adoption; and
E. Spouses of any person mentioned above are considered relatives even though the marriage may be terminated by death or divorce.
Resident – a person who lives or dwells in Wyoming for a continued period of time with the intent to reside permanently in the state.
Resource – a community service agency that an individual may be referred to for additional assistance.
Restitution - full payment of assistance paid in error.
Retained child support - the money paid by the non-custodial parent for the needs of the child(ren) when sent directly to the recipient and not reported or turned in to the state; also the amount of child support kept by the State.
Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (RSDI) - insurance through the Social Security Administration under Title II of the Social Security Act.
Room and/or board income – money received from providing rooms and meals, if a boarder.
Sanction - For SNAP, a restrictive measure or penalty imposed against an individual for not meeting an eligibility requirement.
Satisfactory progress –
A. Post secondary educational component – the participant must meet, each term or semester, at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in the degree requirements.
B. Training component - the participant must meet quarterly a consistent standard of progress, which includes gains or proficiency levels and a reasonable time limit for completion of the training as determined by the instructor and POWER case manager or Benefit Specialist.
School – an elementary school, a secondary school or the equivalent to a secondary school or high school.
School attendance -
A. For SNAP –
1. Full-time is defined by the institution of higher education for secondary schools (colleges);
2. Full-time is 25 clock hours per week in a vocational program or technical school without shop practice;
3. Full-time is 30 hours per week in a vocational program or technical school with shop practice;
4. Half-time is 12 clock hours per week vocational program or technical school without shop practice;
5. Half-time is 15 clock hours per week in a vocational program or technical school with shop practice; or
6. Half-time is defined by the institution of higher education for secondary schools (colleges).
B. For POWER - enrollment in a secondary school or a vocational/technical school equivalent to a secondary school or high school.
School year - the annual period of sessions of an education institution usually beginning in the fall.
Seasonal farm worker - a person who works on a farm or ranch on a seasonal basis when the work is generally within commuting distance of his home.
Secondary education – education between elementary school and college. An elementary or secondary school student is someone who attends elementary, junior high, middle, or high school; or someone who attends classes to obtain a General Equivalency Diploma which is recognized, operated, or supervised by the student’s state or local school district; or someone who is educated through a home-school program supervised by the student’s state or local school district.
Secondary evidence - a document or record of a declaration of fact by individuals or entities that has no responsibility to establish the fact and is inferior to primary or best evidence.
Self-employed – when an individual earns her/his living directly from her/his own profession or business AND pays her/his own taxes rather than earning a salary or commission from another.
Shelter costs - the amount of money required to provide housing (i.e., rent, mortgage payments, motel rates) and/or the utilities (i.e. water, sewer, heat, electricity).
Shelter for battered women and children – a public or private nonprofit residential facility that serves battered women and their children.
Shelter qualified - the POWER payment levels used when the assistance unit pays any portion of their own housing and/or utility costs except the assistance unit(s) receiving a government housing subsidy, has a member of the assistance unit member who receives SSI and is a relative or under the minor parent requirements.
Shelter disqualified - the POWER performance payment level used when all housing and utility costs are provided to the assistance unit without cost and for the assistance unit(s) receiving a government rental subsidy, has a member of the assistance unit member who receives SSI and is a relative or under the minor parent requirements.
Sibling - brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister and adopted brother or sister.
Single custodial parent - for the work program exemption, the parent is the only adult in the assistant unit.
Single parent assistance unit - a family with one (1) custodial parent or, if both parents are in the home, one (1) parent is an SSI recipient.
Social Security Administration (SSA) – a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that administers federal social security programs.
Social Security number (SSN) - the account number assigned to all persons who apply and will be used to accumulate work history and contributions for payment of Social Security benefits.
Special needs - a child who is less than 18 years old who is developmentally disabled or has a mental or physical incapacity which limits her/his ability to care for herself/himself.
Sponsor - any person or any public or private organization that has executed an "affidavit of support" (CIS Form I-134) or similar legally binding agreement to support an immigrant as a condition of the immigrant's admission for permanent residence in the U.S. An immigrant may have more than one sponsor.
Sponsored immigrant - an immigrant lawfully admitted for permanent residence into the U.S. and for whom an affidavit of support has been executed.
Stable income - see Income.
State Data Exchange System (SDX) - used to notify the State of the people eligible for SSI.
Statement - a formal declaration of the circumstance(s) as requested by the agency.
Statute of limitations - the time allowed in the Wyoming statutes in which court action may be initiated and there is no limitation for debts owed to the state of Wyoming.
Stepparent - the spouse of a natural or adoptive parent, who is not a natural or adoptive parent.
Stepparent contribution - the amount of money considered available for the POWER eligible persons after applying the specified disregards to the ineligible stepparent's gross countable income.
Strike – any concerted slowdown, interruption of operations by employees or any stoppage of work by employees, including a stoppage by reason of the expiration of a collective-bargaining agreement.
Student - a person age 18 through age 49 who is physically and mentally fit and enrolled at least half-time in an institution of higher education.
Subsidized employment - employment in which the wages are financed from public funds, including on-the-job-training and work experience through Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) or work study programs.
Subsidized housing - see Housing subsidy.
Substitute provider - an individual who fills in for the usual provider for not more than 24 hours per month.
Supervised setting - for minor parents, a family setting with an adult relative or court appointed guardian or custodian as evidenced by the assumption of responsibility for the care and control of the minor parent and dependent child(ren).
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – the program funded under Title XVI of the Social Security Act.
Support –
A. Alimony/Spousal support - a court or voluntary payment made to an individual by his/her spouse/former spouse;
B. Child support - a court ordered or voluntary payment made by a non-custodial parent for his/her child(ren) to assist with day-to-day maintenance;
C. Military allotment - the military payment allocated as support for a service person's dependents.
D. Parental support - providing to one's child the necessities such as food, clothing, housing, health and medical needs and is usually meant to be provided by expenditure of money or by in-kind unearned income.
Sworn statement - declaration under penalty of perjury the written information is true and correct.
Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement (SAVE) - the CIS program whereby state agencies may verify the validity of documents provided by immigrants applying for public assistance benefits by obtaining information from a central data file.
SS-5 - an application for a Social Security number and card.
Teen Parent – a parent under the age of 20.
Temporary absence - see Absence.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – In Wyoming, this program is operated as the POWER program.
Ten dollar limit – performance payment computed for less than $10 and, therefore, no payment is issued.
Tenancy in common – A tenancy by two (2) or more persons, in equal or unequal undivided shares, each person having an equal right to possess the whole property but no right of survivorship.
Terminate – to close a case and/or an individual from a program; to end the certification period before the scheduled time of expiration.
Termination of employment – the permanent loss of an employment position where the employee has no re-employment rights and/or there is no reasonable expectation the employee will be rehired by the same employer in the same or a substantially similar position in the foreseeable future.
Third Party Liability (TPL) – an individual, entity or program that is or may be liable to pay all or part of the medical costs of injury, disease or disability of a client.
Third Party Query (TPQY) – an automated system which allows rapid access to SSA and SSI information.
Thrifty Food Plan - the diet required to feed a family of four (4) persons consisting of a man and a woman 20 through 50, a child six (6) through eight (8) and a child nine (9) through 11 years of age, determined in accordance with the Secretary of Health and Human Service's calculations.
Time limitation - see five (5) year benefit limit.
Timely reporting – when information is provided either in writing, in person or by phone within ten calendar days after the client becomes aware of the change in circumstances.
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) -
Trafficking -
A. For victims, a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud or coercion or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age and the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery.
B. For fraud, illegally trading, buying or selling SNAP benefits.
Training – see Employment Training.
Transfer –
A. The act of moving the right, title or interest in property from one person to another by sale, gift or exchange; or
B. The act of sending the case file and moving the eligibility computer system case from one county to another upon request or because the assistance unit moved to another county.
Trust - a property interest held by one (1) person for the benefit of another.
Trustee – any person(s) appointed by the instrument creating the trust, or any person appointed by the court to administer the trust. (AKA grantee)
A. Trustor – the person who sets aside assets by placing them in a trust. Also known as donor, grantor or settler; and
B. Beneficiary – the person(s) who benefits from the trust during the life of the trustor and/or who benefits upon the death of the trustor.
Two-parent assistance unit – a family consisting of both parents (natural and/or adoptive, stepparent and parent) and their child(ren) living together in a home applying for or receiving a POWER performance payment. The parents may or may not be married. (see Single parent assistance unit and Marriage or married couple).
Two (2) party check - a payment made out to the recipient and the person furnishing goods or services and can be cashed only upon signature of both parties.
Unavailable –
A. Money from a lump sum incapable of being used for day-to-day needs of the assistance unit because it was spent or lost as the result of a disaster which was beyond the family's control;
B. A jointly owned asset the second party refuses to sell and each owner does not have the legal right to sell his/her share;
C. The asset is inaccessible because a legal barrier or restriction exists; or
D. Income inaccessible to the client because s/he does not have a legal interest in or is tied up in divorce or other legal action.
Uncompensated Value - see Value.
Under-payment/Under-issuance - benefits received by or for an assistance unit which is less than the amount for which the unit was eligible.
Unearned Income - see Income.
Unemployment Insurance Benefit (UIB) –
United States (U.S.) - defined in a geographical sense as the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands and Northern Mariana Islands.
Unpaid principal - the balance to be paid on an agreement to buy or sell.
Value - the monetary worth of a good or service.
A. Cash surrender value (CSV) - the amount the insurer will pay upon cancellation of the policy before death of the insured or before maturity of the policy.
B. Cash value –
1. For assets, the amount that would be paid if the asset were sold or converted to cash.
2. For income, the amount of the income or the value assigned to the service rendered for in-kind income.
C. Current market value (CMV) - the amount for which the property can be expected to sell for on the open market in the community at the time of determination or at the time of transfer or sale.
D. Equity value - the CMV or Fair Market Value (FMV) less any legal debts or encumbrances. For vehicles the equity value is FMV or trade-in value less encumbrances.
E. Face value - the basic death benefit of an insurance policy exclusive of dividend additions or amounts payable due to accidental death or other special provisions.
F. Fair market value (FMV) - the amount of money the sale of property would currently (or at the time of transfer) bring on the open market in the community where the property is located.
G. Trade-in value - for vehicles such as automobiles, trucks, vans and motorcycles, it is the trade-in value according to the Edmund’s Automobile Valuation internet site or the lower of two (2) reasonable appraisals of the amount that would be given if the vehicle was exchanged for another or turned in.
H. Uncompensated value - the fair market value less the gross sale price.
Vendor – the person or business that provides goods or services to the recipient or on behalf of the recipient.
Vendor payment – the amount paid on behalf of an assistance unit which the assistance unit cannot convert to cash to meet its needs.
Verification - the act of establishing a fact as true by viewing evidence or obtaining a verbal description of the content of the evidence.
Veteran - An individual who served in the United States Armed Forces (such as Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, and National Guard), component of the Armed Forces, and who was discharged or released therefrom, regardless of the conditions of such discharge or release.
Vocational training - a POWER work activity which is organized educational program of no more than one (1) year duration. The program must be directly related to the preparation of individuals for employment in a non-professional career or for additional preparation for a career but may not lead to a degree.
Voluntary assigned - a decision freely made by an individual to agree to give money to another person or agency for a specified reason to purchase something.
Voluntary quit –
A. For SNAP – an applicant or recipient has refused, terminated or decreased her/his employment or rate of pay without good cause.
B. For POWER – an applicant or recipient has terminated or decreased her/his employment or rate of pay without good cause, including being fired due to her/his own fault.
Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) –
Waive -
A. The act of formally withdrawing the requirement to penalize/disqualify an applicant/recipient for failure to cooperate with or not meeting a program requirement.
B. The act of confessing to deliberate misrepresentation by the applicant/recipient thus relinquishing her/his right to a disqualification hearing.
Waiver of disqualification - a written consent to disqualification from a program without a hearing which includes a declaration of whether the recipient admits to the acts presented by DFS.
Weapon – a firearm, explosive or incendiary material, or other device, instrument, material or substance which in the manner it is ordinarily used or intended to be used is reasonably capable of producing death or serious bodily injury.
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) – supplemental nutritional program administered by the Wyoming Department of Health.
Work activity expenditure - a specifically requested and approved work activity expenditure which assists the applicant/recipient in becoming employed while decreasing dependence on governmental assistance.
Work experience - a training and job experience situation with a private business, a nonprofit organization or public agency for which the participant receives no monetary compensation. Work experiences includes the assessment, employability plan, and activities established and monitored by the DVR for the incapacitated applicant/recipient.
Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIAO) – the federal training act, which replaced the Workforce Investment Act (WIA).
Working - includes, for an ABAWD:
A. Work in exchange for money;
B. Work in exchange for good or services (in-kind); or
C. Unpaid volunteer work with an agency or organization which is scheduled and structured.
Work program action center - the place where the work performance contract staff meet with job seekers, offer job club and job readiness activities and maintain a job network center.
Work program performance requirements - includes the mandatory job seeker contacting the work program CM, keeping all appointments, complying with the steps and responsibilities in her/his IRP, registering for employment at DWS and following through with referrals to DVR for employment rehabilitation or an SSI application.
Wyoming On-Line Financial System (WOLFS) –
Zero money payment - a month where no performance payment is made either due to noncompliance penalty or to overpayment recovery. The individuals receiving zero payments are considered POWER recipients.